Monday, July 28, 2008


We've had a long day, arriving in Vienna this morning after flying all night (and not sleeping at all!!). We walked around this beatiful city and visited the Judenplatz where there is a Jewish museum that documents the history of Israel in photographs and where there are ruins of a 14th century Synagogue that was destroyed when the Jews were driven out of Vienna in the late 14th century. Reminds me of why they feel so attached to Israel - they have been chased around the globe rather a lot these past two thousand years!

We met with a man who works with an Austrian NGO on Middle East issues and he had some interesting perspectives on the role of American foreign policy in the continuing conflict in Israel/Palestine. Needless to say, he confirmed what most of us know, that Europeans are looking forward to a change in our administration, and he, and others who are working for a peaceful resolution in Israel/Palestine are hoping against hope that the new President will not fall prey to the AIPAC pressures, although they are skeptical about the likelihood of a candidate turned president being willing to stand up to them.

We are in the departure lounge getting ready to board the flight for Tel Aviv.

More tomorrow when I've had some sleep!

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